Cant...breathe...... too....... funny........!
Cant...breathe...... too....... funny........!
this was AWESOME!
Ha ha ha...
very good flash CrunchyDonuts. I look forward to seeing the evolution of your animation in the future. Never be afraid to look for help [aka Google tutorials : ) ]
"Oh no!" *omnomnomnomnomnom*
this was another awesome Madness movie. Its good to see the smiley still being pervertedly creepy (funny)a radiating angry face would have been better tho
My God...
It's official, Mario is definitely Hitler... lol. Eh, there was like one good scene. The rest looked like they came out of Michael Jackson's ass (more disturbing than the animations themselves but that's not the case) I really liked the Things They Don't Say in Brawl one, that one was ÜBER FREAKY.
That was totally wicked!
I gotta hand it to ya, you did a pretty good job. The animation was very cool, and the voice acting was awesome. I also liked the plot twist you threw in there, nice one! That just goes to show you the dangers of using Limewire and Bit Torrent; it will get your identity mixed up with a dead hero and send you back in time to murder the Obama and the UN leaders (*laughs diabolically). Seriously man, keep up the good work.
This was a very cool video. It reminds me of the Benny Hill Show; you should create more like it.
Simply amazing. You have taken a great classic and turned it into what, in my opinion, should be a legendary masterpiece. Just fantastic. I cant help but wonder what Mulan, or other Disney classics would look like if the fans made remakes of them...
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Age 32, Male
Rathole High
A hole in the Earth
Joined on 4/24/09